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The Perfect Resort to Host a Family Reunion in the Northwoods!

When families come together, magic happens. Cousins play from sun-up to sun-down, aunts and uncles laugh and joke, and the aroma of childhood favorites fills the air.

A reunion is an essential "holiday" for many families. Whether yearly, bi-yearly or every 3 years, the consistent meeting up of extended family ensures a strong legacy, each time creating more memories and more history to cherish for years to come.

Every year, families of all sizes and traditions choose Nitschke's Northern Resort for their week-long family vacation. Some have been visiting for 40 years in a row! Some live on the wild-side of things and some enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, but all agree that this resort is the perfect resort to host a family reunion in the Northwoods.

family reunion at resort in Wisconsin

With a HUGE list of amenities, access to seemingly unlimited nature and a beach in the "front-yard", it's no wonder why families return year after year to do it all over again. The best part is that each family has their own way of celebrating.

Take the Neugent/Neary family for example. This incredible family hosts an annual karaoke event where each family member takes turns fabulously embarrassing themselves in the wide open for all to see. What's really special about this family is that they strive to reserve every available cabin for their dedicated week so they can have the resort exclusively to themselves -- and they're only a few cabins shy of doing so! How much fun would that be? Imagine late nights, huge meals and friendly conversation among your whole extended family for a week with an entire Minocqua, WI resort all to yourselves!

resort photo for family reunion

Another fine example of family reunion bliss is the Elliot/Gehin family. This family hosts an annual fish fry with their whole family once a year while on vacation for the week. Each member is asked to bring a dish to pass for the potluck-style dinner. They set up a turkey fryer outside, heat up the oil and drop fish in one by one. The best part is that these are the fish the family caught while fishing in Lake Minocqua.

And finally, the Hogan family hosts an annual game night around the bonfire roasting marshmallows. Games include the infamous "I went to the store and bought..." where players list items they bought at a store in alphabetical order, repeating the entire list before every players' turn. The first person who mixes up the list is out and the last player to repeat the entire list accurately is the winner. Of course the game progressively gets more interesting with grocery items such as "skyscrapers" and "tigers".

roasting marshmallows at resort

Regardless of how you would celebrate, the important part is that you have fun and enjoy the time you have with your family. We are never promised tomorrow, so we must cherish events like these today. When you are ready to create memories to last a lifetime, invite your family to Nitschke's Northern Resort for an unforgettable family reunion. To book your trip, give us a call at 715-356-7795.

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